Dr. Sebastian Krause


Kistlerhofstraße 172c, 81379 München

[Translate to English:] Mo: 08:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Di: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Mi: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Do: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr
Fr: 08:30 - 19:00 Uhr

All appointments by appointment


Free parking is available for our patients in the parking garage under the practice.


Digital orthodontics

Through our state-of-the-art methods and new techniques, orthodontic treatment in our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich can be made more comfortable, precise, and straightforward for you as a patient. Individual treatment steps can be optimized and made more patient-friendly in our digital orthodontics practice in Munich. But what does digital orthodontics entail, and what are its benefits?

Your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, would be happy to provide you with comprehensive information about digital orthodontics.




Intraoral Scanner - 3Shape TRIOS®

In our orthodontic specialist dental practice Dr. Krause, we use an intraoral scanner (3Shape TRIOS®) as part of our diagnostics to digitally capture your jaw situation. Based on the data obtained, we develop jaw models and braces that are later manufactured using a 3D printer. Digital jaw impressions eliminate the need for the traditional method involving impression trays and materials. Scans are faster and more precise than conventional impression techniques.

Afterward, we can immediately explain the scan digitally and simulate your potential treatment outcome, which we will send to you via email. In this context, we can also track changes in your dental situation over an extended period and, if necessary, take orthodontic measures to correct dental and jaw misalignments. Furthermore, based on the scans, we can create your individual treatment plan in our specialist dental practice for orthodontics in Munich.


  • Digital impressions without the need for redoing them
  • Elimination of the gag reflex
  • Immediate discussion of the scan
  • 3D treatment simulation
  • No need for traditional impressions
  • Shorter treatment duration
  • Precisely planned tooth movements
  • Reduction in your check-up appointments at our orthodontic practice in Munich
  • Increased patient comfort
  • Optimized workflow between the practice and dental technology laboratory

We also utilize digital impressions in conjunction with the Invisalign® system, aligners, and lingual braces to achieve successful treatment in an almost invisible manner.

Optimal Clarity with Minimal Invasive Radiation

Digital X-ray technology ensures that radiation exposure falls within the range of natural environmental radiation. The captured and required images are available in real-time and can be stored efficiently for the long term. X-ray images of the upper and lower jaws, as well as the facial skull, are essential for the optimal planning and regular therapy monitoring of orthodontic treatment. With digital X-ray, images are not recorded on analog X-ray films as they were in the past; instead, they are stored in digital format.


  • Low Radiation Exposure: Digital X-ray technology can reduce radiation exposure by up to 90% since the electronic sensor is much more sensitive than the previous analog storage film technique.
  • Time Savings: Digital X-ray images are produced in just a few seconds. This not only saves you time but also benefits from timely and effective treatment. Because your orthodontist in Munich does not have to wait for the development of images, we can assist you in the shortest time and further optimize the success of your dental health.
  • Precision: The digitization of the X-ray process optimizes the quality of your diagnosis. The image quality of digital X-ray images is significantly higher than conventional images. Thanks to modern technology, your orthodontist in Munich can post-process images and, for example, brighten images and sharpen edges. This allows us to identify even small details and make the correct diagnosis. Through this process, our patients benefit from excellent quality and are in the best hands in our specialist dental practice for orthodontics in Munich.
  • Digital Storage: The days of storing large X-ray images at home that you have to carry to follow-up doctors are over. Digital images can be easily stored and shared digitally.
  • Immediate Discussion: By digitizing your jaw, your orthodontist in Munich can immediately show you an accurate image of your oral cavity on modern screens. Thanks to the high resolution, marking, and zoom-in options, your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause, can illustrate and explain the situation, addressing all your questions. This aspect is particularly important to us because our team at the orthodontic practice Welovesmiles primarily cares about your well-being and satisfaction. Through visualizations and explanations, we can keep you well informed, answer your questions, address concerns, and provide you with a carefree and relaxed treatment.

In our specialist dental practice for orthodontics in Munich, our patients can request a dental X-ray pass at any time. This pass records when X-ray images were taken, helping you keep track and potentially access old images in the future, thereby avoiding unnecessary radiation exposure.




result simulation

Simulation of Orthodontic Treatment

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially in orthodontic treatments. The Treatment Simulator we use allows us to simulate realistic orthodontic corrections in real-time on the screen. This enhances interaction with you as a patient and increases understanding of further treatment planning. In our orthodontics practice in Munich, we involve you from the beginning in your treatment. The results simulator used by Dr. Krause automatically generates a visualization of your orthodontic treatment outcome and displays it alongside the current dental condition. Adjustments can also be made to individual teeth to create a smile according to your desires and expectations.

Digital Photography

In our orthodontics practice in Munich, Dr. Krause, intraoral and extraoral photos are taken at the beginning, during, and at the end of the treatment, following standardized procedures. We have set up our own photo studio with background lighting and studio flashes to ensure that no detail is missed. Intermediate findings are documented in this way as well. To enable comparability and quality control, we use a specific photo status scheme. This scheme involves taking and creating photos of the face and teeth. The advantage of digital photography is that we can immediately discuss various findings and changes with you as the patient. It also makes it evident how the teeth are positioned in relation to the face.

Dental digital photography is an excellent tool for presenting intraoral and extraoral findings within orthodontic therapy in our orthodontic specialist practice in Munich.





Digital Planning

Computer-assisted digital treatment planning allows us to reduce treatment time, optimize treatment outcomes, and make digital predictions. Digital treatment planning includes model measurements of your teeth, digital measurements of your X-rays, and the simulation of various treatment techniques. We utilize orthodontic 3D backward planning and digital bracket positioning. The latter allows us to achieve maximum precision, avoid early bracket contact, and reduce treatment time.

Don't Want Traditional Impressions? - We Have the Alternative!

As a digital orthodontic specialist dental practice in Munich, we eliminate the need for traditional impression trays and molding materials. Digital models can be created for diagnostics and sent to health insurance companies using 3D printing, eliminating the need for traditional impressions. We also produce our orthodontic braces, devices, and aligners from 3D-printed models, using biodegradable materials. The advantage lies in a clean and hygienic process since there is no need for plaster or impression materials. Additionally, 3D printing improves the accuracy of the fit for our modern aligners, braces, and devices, enhancing comfort and ensuring better results. Our patients are delighted with digital orthodontics, as it significantly enhances treatment comfort.




device manufacture

Digital Device Manufacturing

Due to the digital impression of your jaw, we can avoid the traditional method of using impression trays and molding materials. We, as Munich Orthodontics, digitally plan the entire treatment process based on the 3D scan. Even the devices we use are digitally planned, measured, and produced. With our practice software, we "design" your perfect smile, planning, for example, the ideal bracket position to achieve the best possible result and ensure the optimal positioning of tooth roots in the bone. This allows us to show you very clearly before the treatment how we will treat you and what the expected results will look like. Devices that we plan digitally include our modern aligners, Invisalign® aligners, lingual (internal) braces, removable devices, palatal expansion appliances, night guards, bracket positioning guides, and more.

Digital Patient Communication

In our specialist dental practice for orthodontics in Munich, our administration and patient communication are also digital. We use digital patient records that are accessible at every treatment station within seconds. Our appointment scheduling is done online or by phone, and we minimize the use of paper in our practice management and patient communication.


patient communtication


Would you like to find out more about our modern, digital practice equipment?
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have during an initial consultation at our specialist orthodontic practice in Munich. Simply make an appointment directly with your orthodontist in Munich, Dr. Sebastian Krause.

We look forward to seeing you!